
Well, today I'm going to show you some pictures that really mean a lot to me, 'cause things that appear made me really happy.

This little one was called Dustin, called because he ran away from my house and never come back. Its name comes from the guitarist of my favorite former musical band, Dustin Belt. This cat was the most important to me, he was with me accompanying me in times when no one was there to help me, he got me out of the depression I suffered several years ago. The truth is that is very difficult to me tal about him because his lost was very shocking and painful. He accompained me for 3 years. This picture was taken in one of the many houses in which I have lived and I tooked. I saw him born and he was my little boy from the first second of his life, because I helped her mother to have it.

This other cute little kitten was named Rocky, the truth is that his name doesn't mean anything jaja but, it's sooooo cute. I really love this cat at the moment that I saw him. That picture is from the first day thay we had it in house. It was from my sister, but the truth is that I convinced my mother to have it because I wanted it. He was the most terrible cat that I ever had, but I love him so much <3 I cried a lot when he left :( I tooked too the photo because he looked so sweeeeeeet <3

Another one of Rocky jaja. The mean of this picture is that this reflects what my kitten was: a little baby full of love <3(Although it always made me angry)
-Tooked for me-

I really hate this topic, teacher. This made me cry jaja


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