At first, I always have been a Technology lover <3 because I like a lot their graphics, new discoveries, etc. Since I have maybe 3 years old .like my mother says-, I used to use the computer with my Dad. He's a Computer Engineer so he puts me on his lap while he was working, so since I was a little girl I had contact with computers and things like that. And some years later I have my first PlayStation One and I was the happiest girl in the world.

Returning to the subject, if I have to choose a piece of technology like my favorite.. mm, it' so difficult 'cause I like all I have. To be more specific, I have a BIG -I need to use majuscule jaja- Notebook, a smartphone, a TV and my lovely Xbox One, so I can not really choose one of them.

But, the truth is, if I have to choose one of them, I choose my bff<3

I got this precious for my 15 like a gift from my Dad. I used it for all of my University's works, to watch videos, series, movies, to play video games, etc. I use it all the time 'cause I always have to do something to my University or when I'm bored and I don't have to study anything (in shorts words, when I'm free jaja) and I think that my life would be boring without my lovely computer :((( It means a lot for me because we have passed a lot together<3 (a lot of trojans) And sometimes I hate my PC 'cause is TOO BIG and I can't take it ANYWHERE.


  1. I thought that as you had playstation you were going to continue with sony, but I was wrong jajaj

  2. when i was young i had a PS one to .. but i prefer the playstation than the xbox :P

  3. It was great to play PlayStation 1 jajja


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