
As one advances through the career that we’re studying, our teachers go in depth into the different specialities that we can opt in our future. In my career, the possibilities are a lot, like clinical pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, pharmacological industries, development of natural medicines, cosmetology, among others. In short words, we can work always for the consumer and patient welfare.

For me, I already have a kind of “life project” which includes the kind of job that I want and that stuff but I have to wait until I finish my career and that can be in many years later jaja. In my “life project” it’s include specialize me on the pharmacological industries and clinical pharmacy. At first I want to start with pharmacological industries because, in comparison with clinical, the salary have a big difference between them so, for that difference, I can save the enough money to travel to Holand (like I mentioned on a previous blog) and supply my general needs like have my own department, live alone, etc, in addition to the possibility of stay there and maybe continue the job that I left in Chile. At the time that I come back to my native country, I’ll try to continue on my career and enter as internal on clinics or hospitals, because in the last time, the role of the pharmacist on this places has increased its importance, and as I like be in contact with people and help, I think that is a good field which combine both things.
Pharmacological industries

Pharmacists can work with doctors, nurses, etc
Team of professionals on clinics/hospitals


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. The hospital and clinical area are my great motivation of our career! I did not know that you were interested too


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