
If I have to be honest, I don’t have very specific hobbies, moreover, I can’t even say if what I do in my free time it’s considered like a hobby jaja but I use to play computer games and watch a lot of series/anime/TV shows, I guess the last one is the most thing I do.

Every day that a new chapter comes out online, when I arrive home, me and my boyfriend prepare our food, on our respective houses, and later we coordinate to watch the episode at the same time. This always depend of the anime that we’re watching, because not every anime upload their chapters the same days, so we always watch every Wednesday and Saturday "Boruto" and "Boku no hero academia". Some days, when we don’t have too many responsibilities with our universities, we watch some finished anime, like "Ansatsu kyoushitsu (TV)".

Boku no hero academia

I use to watch anime a lot, because when I was younger I watched some of them but only the classics which transmitted on TV like Sailor Moon, Sakura card captors, etc, but I started to watch a lot and again when I start daiting with my actual boyfriend jaja He is worse than me in that ambit and for him I fell into vice jaja

If I'm honest, maybe watch shared anime is not very important for me, because I have much important things in my life, but I really care with who I can shared and talk about because generate a close link between us.

When I was a kid, my only hobby was pretend that I was a veterinary playing with my toys.
In the future, I will like to have a hobby related to the athletic field, specifically boxing, because I'm too sedentary. 
And finally, I will never have a hobby about collect something, I thing that is a very boring hobby :(.


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