Why Chemistry and Pharmacy?

Why did I choose this career?

Well, to start when I was little I wanted to be Veterinary. My love for animals started since I can remember, because I used to play with stuffed animals believing that they were real and I used to care of them attending, healing, etc.

In the next years, when I was 12 to 15 years old, I wanted to be a detective and work on PDI, because, at the time, I still like all the seasons of CSI, so I really like this field to work, but my parents told me that is very dangerous and just in that time, my father's ex-classmate died in a shooting and he worked for PDI, so, nothing to do.

In the school, at the age of 16, the reason that I started to like Chemistry, was for my teacher, because she inspired me to learn more about this beautiful science. So for that I'm studying Chemistry and Pharmacy. At the time, I'm very comfortable with the University and the career, 'cause I've met amazing people here and, even if I suffer with the University's subject, I really like all this :) <3

At the time, I looking for specialize in Clinic pharmacy because I really like to relate to with people ññ

Thanks for reading


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