Hobbies? mm.. difficult

To be honest, I don't really have a hobbie, unless sleep is considered as one jaja. When I was younger, I'm talking about 2-4 years ago, I used to play bass and guitar a lot. I learned to play because my teacher offered us to choose any instrument on Music (that was the name of the subject) and I chosed that. I have a guitar named "Carmency" in honor of my grandmother and great-grandmother and I used to play it to practice and to release tensions, but with all the stress and the lot of things that I had to do, I had to leave it and because it gave me "tendinitis", so I suffered a lot :(

This is my lady <3

I used to do too read a lot, I can read the same saga over and over again, that saga is Percy Jackson or two of my favorite book, "La divina comedia" of Dante Alighieri and "1984" of George Orwell, and just for my beautiful ex-teacher of Language, Lorena ññ

Anothe thing that I do a lot, but is not considered like a hobby, is watch A LOT of series and anime, that's a thing that I do everyday literally jaja 


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