My lovely Marie

A person on my field that I admire is Marie Curie. Personally I knew about her in my Pre-university 2 years ago. We were looking “Radioactivity” so, to introduce the history of this, appeared on our material and this explained the history of the discoverment of Radioactivity.

To start, Marie Curie born in Varsovia, Polonia on November 7th, 1867.  In 1894 met her husband, Pierre Curie, when while were working on the field of magnetism. Pierre felt in love on her because they shared the same love for Phisics, so they married in 1895. Marie always was interested in discoverments of radioactivity and, for this, she started to study the Uranium’s radiaitions using “Pechblenda”, a mineral that had Uranium. Marie was the first person who use the concept of “Radioactive” to describe the elements that emit radiation.

She and her husband, in 1898, announced the dicoverment of two new elements: Polonium and Radio. For this finding, in 1903 they received the Nobel Pryze of Phisics. In 1911, Marie received the Nobel Pryze of Chemistry for her investigations about Radio.

Pierre died in 1906 because of an accident, while Marie died in 1934 product of pernicious anemia due to exposure to radiation.

Why I like this woman? Because she was one of the first women to receive a Nobel Prize, but that's not really why I like it, but also she managed to show that a woman, like a man, could opt for such an important prize in a field where only See male characters. Even without its discovery, we wouldn’t have all the discoveries that had been made and for having today.

The beautiful Curie


  1. Calm baby, I know that someday you will achieve the same thing as her and you will win a new prize and in those moments I want you to remember me


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