About Me

Hi, everybody, welcome to my blog <3

My name is Constanza Cornejo Soto and I was born on Autumn's Tuesday of 1998 on Santiago de Chile I'm a Taurus girl. I live in Santiago, specifically in San Miguel with my mother Veronica and my sister Catalina. At the moment, my sister is studying on secondary school and my mom is working on a Isapre named "Vida Tres". She's is never at home, like I and my sister, because all of us are always busy and we only see us at the night :'(.A curious thing about my life is that I was born in a different commune that I'm living now and I've lived in another 4, to be more specific, I've lived on Puente alto, San Joaquin, La Florida, La Cisterna and San Miguel, and I've totally lived in 8 houses.

This is a picture of me when I was 5 year old in my second house
 The most part of my life I've lived in La Cisterna, so for that, the most part of my years of school were in a very small school named "Los Capullitos", which is located in this commune. In the really first years I studied in "Colegio Polivalente Santa Familia" and part of my primary and secondary I studied in Liceo Nº1 Javiera Carrera. At the day I'm studying Chemistry and Pharmacy in "Universidad de Chile" and at the moment I like the career. 

Maybe the things that I like to do is watch series and anime, I do this more than study for the University and my favorites anime and series are this <3 :

Resultado de imagen para prison breakResultado de imagen para the walking deadResultado de imagen para re:zero                                                           


  1. "I'm a Taurus girl" I know that very well, but I love you....
    I know that you like see anime I even see you with you

  2. You look very cute in the picture and I don't believe you about the 8 houses it's crazy

  3. the photo that i loved to much was the cat in your profile ajsajsjajs ... beautiful history :)

  4. I did not know you liked anime, I know you more every day


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