iug, chemistry.

Well, If I have to talk about a course that I “enjoy” this semester, mm.. it’s difficult ‘cause every course that I’m doing this semester are killing me jaja. But to be honest, I really like General Laboratory, because 1. I work with my group of best Friends that I have in the University and 2. The experimental application of the Chemistry is just amazing. This Monday we saw the changes of pH in a solution and we had to use a universal indicator that gave the solution different colors depending of the pH that presented. It was very funny because with my partner were constantly writting down the mL that we were spending and the pH, from one moment to another, went up from 6 to 10 and the abrupt change was so funny jaja. Also we see the subject-matter of General II, so we always are watching the experimental process of the theory that we learn in class.

I took this course because it goes hand in hand with General II and for obligation I have to do it and because I don’t want to be more late than I already am. And If I have to change something, maybe is change the test by reports, because they show if we really learned in laboratory and not in classes of General II.


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