
Like every person, all we have our personal "themes", themes that we can talk to anyone and other ones which we like to keep safe in us. 
If I have to talk a drug of abuse that I'm implicatte maybe are designer drugs, also called "club drugs", "recreational drugs" and "synthetic drugs". This doesn't happened to me, but someone very close, and I hope never go through that. This kind of drug include a broad rang of dangerous drugs which are abused by young adults on night clubs sometimes for have a better night or with bad intentions like take advantage of someone or even rob them. Chemically speaking, this type of drug constitute a heterogeneous group of substances, generally with a stimulating effect, made from the modification of the chemical structure of certain natural products or medical products, and which are synthesized in clandestine laboratories by relatively simples chemical methods to be introduced into the ilegal market.
Inside this kind of drugs, we can find this differents groups of drugs:
-Phenethylamines: ecstasy, Adam (MDMA, or 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine ; Speed, Crystal, Meth (methamphetamine); Tenamfetamine, Love Pill (MDA, or 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine); Eva (MDE, MDEA, or N-ethyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine).

-Opiate Derivatives: China white (AMF alfamethylfentanyl); Synthetic heroin (MPPP, or 1-methyl-4-phenyl-propionoxypiperidine) or 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine.

-Anesthetics: PCP or Angel powder (phencyclidine); Special K (K, or ketamine).

-Hallucinogenic substances such as DMT (dimethyltryptamine).

-Others, such as Liquid Ecstasy (GHB, or Gamma-Hydroxy-butyrate), CAT (methcatinone).

Some effect produced by the consume of this drugs can be:
Changes in mood: euphoria, increased sense of self-esteem, increased energy and activity, hilarity.
Changes in interpersonal relationships: increased loquacity, increased feelings of empathy, disinhibition and desire for physical contact.
Sexual disinhibition and greater sensuality.

Cognitive alterations: increased awareness and concentration along with greater mental clarity.

As this drugs are used for "personal benefit", this drugs can cause serious health problems and even the death.  In addition that these can be given harmful uses for people such as using them for sexual abuse, among others.


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