
Like everything, always exist some problems in the planning of some things and talk about some errors on the organization of this university, it doesn’t stays outside of this general problems because it’s simple, nothing is perfect.

Going into detail, in this university exist problems from the most general to the most specific. I can find problems even around me, including problems with teachers, learning, buildings, etc. At first, I don’t think that the curriculum of my career was made it away from the reality because I just entered to the university the same year when the curriculum was edited, so, as I move forward in my career, I think that is “necessary” what are we learning, but I think apart that the way like the teachers teach the respective subjects use to be not too appropriate, as some teachers doesn’t even have the vocation of being a good teacher who teach for the real learning of the students and not for believe herself better than a person who is trying to understand this new world of learning.

From the other side, I think that the problem that we have at the level of faculty, is the relation between infrastructure and people who join into the faculty every year. ¿Why this is a problem? It’s a problem because our faculty is not too much big or even it doesn’t have enough spaces and buildings for all people we study here. Our library, our “anexo”, our “ciq”, our “nature”, none of them have so much space to have in there a big average of students. We don’t even have a “specific” place to eat our lunches.

Finishing, I think that this are some of a lot of important points to talk about between us and with the authorities.


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